Weaving us into Earth’s Matrix

Weaving art, the written word, the living matrix and inquiry bringing us into deep relationship with Earth’s matrix.


Libby Outlaw has spent a lifetime as an earth steward using her skills as an organic farmer, bodywork practitioner, creative artist and writer to bring us into coherence with the living organism.

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Earth weavings

Earth is blessed with such beauty and diversity, texture and color, cycles and seasons that give metaphor to our lives. Earth weavings are art installations that bring Earth’s voice into a conversation with our changing world.


Weaving Stories

Life is a spiritual journey traveling through time and space where our experiences create the discoveries of consciousness. These stories, whether novel or spoken word, guide our perceptions into the flow of life’s journey.


Weaving the Living Matrix

We are connected to this living planet through our crystalline matrix that provides a conductive, magnetic pathway of information. The more dynamic our internal matrix is, the more interconnected we are.

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Woven by Earth

““You come come from the soil, live by the soil and return to the soil. Here lies your past, present and future.”


The Inquiry

Deep inner listening is the experience of consciousness drawing up our true nature of spirit and soul. By taking the time to be in sacred space, ceremony and creative endeavors we give voice to the unseen worlds around us.