The Storyteller is the voice of the collective….
The Storyteller
The Storyteller is the voice of the collective. They weave the tales of many into one, giving room for the individual interpretation of the journey. The Storyteller widens the view of our world, bringing alive our imagination and unclaimed visions. They use their voice and written word to blur the lines of what we think is reality and allow us to see the beyond our own timelines. A Ritual Storyteller uses story in ceremony to create the path of initiation, bringing the sacred circle into coherence with the evolving collective consciousness.
Libby Outlaw has used Ritual Storytelling in Rites of Passage ceremonies, women’s circles and Solstice gatherings for her grandchildren. Her written storytelling draws on the earth’s longer cycles, the ancestor’s deep wisdom and the current issues of our time. All of her storytelling is used as a catalyst for change, reconnecting humans to the earth’s rich history. Contact her if you are interested in her storytelling abilities.
In La Kesh is a novel by Libby Outlaw
Set in the tumultuous times of 165 BC and 2012 AD (the beginning and end of the Mayan calendar), two women who, rejecting the fear and rigid beliefs of their tribe and family, travel through the Yucatan finding a new way to thrive in their deconstructing worlds, guided by the legacies of their wise woman grandmothers. As they reach the end of their journeys, joined by their new partners, surprises from the past surface to confirm the truths they have discovered.

In La Kesh means, “I am a reflection of you as you are of me.”
— Quote Source
Short Excerpt from In La Kesh
It happened slowly at first, as the eyes of the stargazers watched the Great Dipper circling the center of the Celestial Sky held by the North Star. The Great Dipper protected the opening to the underworld and charted the path to and from this world. But with the use of strong instruments and standing stones that marked key places in the night sky, the watchers determined that the Great Dipper was moving away from the Cosmic Center, spilling its contents onto the Earth. With the Dipper moving and the Cosmic Center destabilized, the earth manifested its own instability. The waters receded, leaving the land parched and dry. The Earth shook, trying to free itself from the menace let loose from the tipping Dipper, and the tribe suffered turmoil and decay.
So when a foreigner came into camp, pointing at the predawn star, Capella, as protector of the Sun, and showing the elliptical zenith to be the true Center of the World, the leaders of the tribe quickly interpreted the foreigner’s arrival as heralding the end of chaos and the beginning of a new world order. With great ceremony and celebration, they proclaimed a new faith and prepared to lead the tribe west, following the foreigner to a new home where they could worship the Center through the cycle of the protector star Capella.
Daughter, still clinging to the old ways, would not abandon the Great Dipper. Bitter fighting followed and ritual was done by Daughter’s shaman husband to attain the true meaning of this time. The results of the ritual supported the foreigner’s claim, so Daughter’s husband and the rest of the tribe left her behind to fend for herself and for the babies growing inside her. She kept the clay beads that counted the cycles and measured the space between the Great Dipper and the North Star, and stayed behind to continue to honor the Great Protector who had ruled the night sky from her ancestor’s time.
Grandmother, having listened to a different voice than the tribe and its leaders, knew that when her time came, she would be able to find her way through to the other world regardless of where in the Celestial Sky the opening resided. She was told by the ancestors’ whispers that she must stay with Daughter, and that once the new life that grew inside her had safely found its way to the earth, she could follow the ancestors home.
Libby is currently writing her second novel called Time versus Space, a five person journey in a changing world where the earth’s magnetic poles are reversing.