Libby Outlaw, Earthweaver

An Earthweaver is a person whose life is woven into the tapestry of earth. They flow with seasonal rhythms of earth and cycles of the moon, listening to the elements of wind, water, and fire. They use ceremony to honor and reflect earth’s magic, are connected to the hyphae of all living things, and stretch their relationships through the earth into the cosmos. An Earthweaver listens to the voices of earth’s children, protecting and holding all that is earth sacred. An Earthweaver uses all of their creative talents to reconnect humans to the Earth’s matrix, committed to a sustainable, collaborative earth centered life experience.

The Weavers 

The rhythms of light and dark,

Hot and cold, wet and dry

Weave patterns of rainbows

On the surface of the waters.

Come dance with the pattern weavers.

The cycles of seasons,

Eras and epochs,

Weave the longtime

Threads of eternity.

Come walk with the longtime cycle weavers.


The soils hold the nourishment

For plants and animals, fungi and tree roots,

Weaving their hyphae threads

Come connect to the matrix weavers.


Change rips apart the denser fibers,

Stretching openings in space.

Come pass through the openings

 left by the portal weavers?

 Libby Outlaw, Earthweaver

 Libby Outlaw lives a rich life putting her hands to work in the earth’s rich soil, in shaping and balancing our physical, emotional and spiritual beings, in ceremonies of earth’s cycles and in the creative works of writing, artistry and storytelling. All of her creative endeavors are guided by the elements of earth and the listening to the unseen ways of the collective. Libby sees the body as a microcosmic mirror of the larger organism of the living earth. That relationship allows all her skills to deepen the relationship of people to earth and people to spirit She believes she is reshaping the world as she helps her clients reshape their lives, honors the earth’s cycles, and creates pathways of inquiry into the multidimensional realms.

      Libby Outlaw has worked on an 80 acre organic fruit, vegetable and cut flower farm with her husband Ken Dawson in Cedar Grove, North Carolina for 35 years. She was the main flower harvester and arranger. She retired from this a few years ago, but she still keeps her own sacred garden and uses the beauty of the earth to bring ceremony and sacredness to her land.

     She has been a somatic body worker, healer and teacher in Chapel Hill, NC for 47 years. She taught deep tissue bodywork at the Carolina School of Massage Therapy for 12 years as well as serving at Education Director. She has developed a new way of working with the fascial matrix called Fascial Conduction which helps to enliven the fascial tissue and enhance the body’s conductivity, adaptability and information flow. In her private practice, Libby uses all her skills to help clients embody their spiritual journey in their daily lives. She published her book Moving the Internal Matrix for practitioners and clients alike, giving guidance to how to move, enliven and enhance the dynamic of the Flow Matrix in the fascia.

     As a writer, Libby uses language to express the deeper layers of being, the unseen forces and the metaphors in life that guide our journeys. Her book In La Kesh draws on all her experiences to bring the reader into a new relationship with the synergetic flow of life and its matrix of connections. As a Ritual Storyteller, Libby uses the voices of earth and ancestors to honor the cycles and longer rhythms of life and our place in the cosmos.

     As an artist, Libby uses her harvest to create installations built on vines, flowers and seeds. The installations always invite the viewer into an inquiry about their principles and actions in life. Some of her installations include 9 Principles of Spirit, her first art show at her farm, Reseeding the Future and the Myth of Hierarchy. She uses her installations as a medium to bring us back into sensory relationship to earth as well as help us question and redirect the ways we live and exploit our world.

     As a traveler and walker on the earth, Libby has traveled to many sacred places to do earth ceremonies, to listen to the voices of the ancestors and coax the sacred stories out of rock, wind and sky. Although many of her experiences are told in her novel, In La Kesh others are private and direct her own spiritual path. As Libby journeys through her elder years, she is excited to continue to reconnect us back into the matrix of earth.